FAQs About Filing Form 2290 | Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form

Like most things when filling out tax forms, the 2290 form for heavy highway vehicles can be a little bit complicated to understand. First, you have to determine whether or not your vehicle qualifies as a heavy highway vehicle, and then if it does you have to figure out what your deadline to file is and what information you have to have in order to complete the form thoroughly and accurately. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions in regard to IRS form 2290.

Who is required to file Form 2290 and pay the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax?

If you have a heavy highway vehicle (any vehicle with a weight of 55,000 pounds or more) registered in your name you must file form 2290 and pay any taxes that you are required to pay. Usually, if your vehicle weighs less than 55,000 pounds you will not be required to file or pay tax.

What are 2290 Filing Options?

You can file form 2290 either electronically or by mail. The IRS encourages all form 2290 tax filers to electronically file their return for faster service and a reduced chance of any errors being made. If you file online you will be able to do it when it’s convenient for you any time of day or night and you can immediately receive your receipt to show proof of payment schedule 1 after the IRS accepts your return. If you are reporting 25 or more, heavy highway vehicles, then you are required to file electronically.

  • If I buy another vehicle after I have filed my 2290 form should I file my original 2290 again with the new vehicle added?
  • If you have already filed your 2290 and then purchased more vehicles you will have to file a new 2290 form with only the new vehicle(s) on it and it is
  • Subject to form 2290 due date which makes the form due the last day of the month following the first month that vehicle is used on a public highway.

What should I do if my return is rejected by the IRS?

If you receive your form back by mail or electronically as rejected you will need to go over the information you submitted again. Make sure that all your VIN numbers for your vehicles are correct and that you are using your business’ EIN correctly because the IRS will reject returns if the EIN is incorrect or isn’t the EIN that was filed the previous year.

Are there any HVUT exemptions?

If you will be using your vehicle to drive 5,000 miles or less on the highway within that tax-reporting period then you can get a suspension for your vehicle, which will eliminate any taxes you would have had to pay. If at any moment the mileage on your vehicle exceeds 5,000 miles then you will be responsible for the taxes issued. Filling out paperwork for taxes can be quite a hassle to those who don’t know exactly what they’re doing but if you take a second to learn about each return and the purpose and requirements linked to it you will have an easy time taking care of your taxes.