When is Form 2290 Due Date 2017-18 and Penalties

Every trucker, drivers or the owners of the trucking industry files the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) annually by 31st August if they own a heavy weight vehicle with the gross weight of 55,000 or more and uses the public highway for transportation. The filed tax amount is used for the maintenance of those highways.

The current tax period for the IRS 2290 Form starts from 1st July 2017 and ends on 30th June 2018. The 2290 truck tax should also be done when the vehicle is first placed in service. Form 2290 due date will be the last day of the following month. For instance, when a vehicle started its service in October, then the HVUT form is due on 30th November.

Form 2290 Due in 2017-182290 Truck Tax can be electronically prepared and reported to the IRS using Etax2290.com.

Due Dates for 2017-2018 to E-file Form 2290

When the vehicle is first used during

File Form 2290 and make payment by

July 2017

August 31, 2017

August 2017

September 30, 2017

September 2017

October 31, 2017

October 2017

November 30, 2017

November 2017

 January 3, 2018

December 2017

January 31, 2018

January 2018

February 28, 2018

February 2018

March 31, 2018

March 2018

May 1, 2018

April 2018

May 31, 2018

May 2018

June 30, 2018

June 2018

 July 31, 2018

IRS Form Penalties – HVUT Penalties

When you fail or late to pay the tax return to the IRS, then it may impose a penalty on it. The IRS can impose penalties for various reasons related to filing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290. The most important reasons that attract IRS penalties are late filing or failing to file the return. IRS penalties are also assessed when the filing is found false or fraudulent. In addition to the penalties, IRS also charge interest on late tax payments.

When you can show a reasonable cause for late filing or failed filing HVUT penalties will not be imposed. When you file Form 2290 after the due date, then you must attach an explanation along with the tax return.



IRS Penalties  & Interests    


When the tax filer fails to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) by the deadline

The penalty is 4.5% of the total HVUT tax, which is due, monthly for up to 5 months.


If the tax filer does not file the tax on time and fails to pay the tax due.

1)      An additional monthly penalty of 0.5% of the total tax due.

2)      Additional interest charges of 0.54% per month accrue as well.

If the due date comes on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) or another national holiday then the Form 2290 can be filed by the next business day.

It is always better to avoid those penalties and file the Form 2290 before the due date of August 31. Start filing your HVUT Form 2290 through etax2290.com. Call us at 703-229-0326 or Email us at support@tax2efile.com to file your 2290 Form and report to IRS for further queries